Thursday 27 February 2014

Sunnah Yang Dilupakan


hmmm should i or should i not write this post ..
but but but i don't know where to start ..

Ehh Hai Awok !!

maaflah tak perasan ada orang yang tengah memerhati
biasalah iolls terlalu khusyuk memerah otak merangka ayat untuk post kali ni 

Sunnah Yang Dilupakan

berat tajuknya bimbang tersalah kata 
tapi itulah .. benda baik harus disampaikan juga kan ?


Aku seronok tengok senario dekat twitter . Semakin ramai remaja yang tweet pasal perkara-perkara Islamik . Saling ingat-mengingati . Nasihat-menasihati . With all the hashtags and photos . Pokoknya memang tip top lah !

ni yang kita mau beb
Alhamdulillah moga istiqamah .

But somehow Allah shows me the other side of things recently .
To let me know that there are people out there , youngsters who aren't the same .

They don't perform their Salah (daily prayers) .
They are rude to their parents .
They steal . They cheat .

For them , you have to have fun while you're still alive !
Hari berganti hari . Hidup tersia begitu sahaja .
Berseronok siang malam .

And they believe that everyone hates them .
Their parents . Their siblings . Their teachers .
Every single one of them !

they become rebellious .
full with hatred and grudges .
controlled by their own anger .

siapa yang nak dipersalahkan ?
semua menuding jari kepada sesama sendiri .

jangan sekadar mengutuk dan saling salah menyalahi ..
doakanlah mereka !

doakanlah untuk ummah ini !

Tapi Tapi Tapi Kenapa Ya ?
kenapa anak muda ..

Yang masih kuat ingatannya belum dimamah Alzheimer ..
Yang masih kuat kaki tangannya bebas dari penyakit Gout ..
Yang masih kuat kudratnya masih membara semangatnya itu ..

end up to be like this ?

Mana silapnya ? Kenapa kita tak boleh jadi seperti 'orang-orang dahulu' ?

Muda-muda lagi dah boleh hafaz Al-Quran .
Muda-muda lagi bermacam ilmu penuh di dada .
Muda-muda lagi boleh hafal hadis beribu-ribu .
Muda-muda lagi diangkat jadi pemimpin .
Muda-muda lagi mengajar ilmu agama .

By 'muda-muda lagi' i mean umur Belasan Tahun okay ~
Bukan 20-an bukan 30-an .

Tapi kita ?
Umur dah 18 tapi addmath pun susah nak hadam .

sentap dengan statement sendiri

So kenapa anak-anak muda jadi lagu ni ?
Kenapa ummah kita tak secemerlang ummah terdahulu ?

kerana apa?
kerana ada sunnah yang kita lupakan .

Sunnah Qiyamul-lail .

berapa ramai di antara kita yang sanggup tolak godaan bantal yang empuk tu untuk menunaikan solat 2 rakaat pada waktu malam ?

time semua orang tengah tidur krrohh krrohh ? *bunyi dengkur*

hakikatnya tak ramai .

cuba tengok balik amalan 'orang dulu-dulu' .
masa zaman nabi s.a.w .

tahajjud tak pernah tinggal beb !

memanglah tahajjud itu hanya sekadar solat sunat (kalau buat dapat pahala kalau tak buat tak berdosa)
tapi banyak kebaikannya !!

dan ..

semua doa yang baik dimakbulkan ?!!

Nak  result elok untuk SPM ?
Nak  jodoh doh doh yang baik ?

Nak mintak lepas test JPJ ?
Nak mintak lepas permohonan loan bank ?

Nak dilapangkan dada diterangkan hati ?
Nak senang hafal itu hafal ini ?

Nak jadi muslim/muslimah yang tip top ?
Nak jadi ahli syurga ?

Bangun tahajjud dan berdoa lah beb !
InshaAllah akan dimakbulkan !

Kalau dah buat tapi macam tak makbul je , macam tak makbul je ?

Muhasabah balik . 

Okay ke solat tu ? Jaga tak adab masa berdoa ?

Dan ingatlah , Allah tu Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik buat hamba-hambanya .
So kita chill lah !

And for all the beginners out there like myself , yang mahu dan baru mula berjinak-jinak dengan tahajjud ..


Kalau tak mampu bangun pukul 2 3 pagi pun takpa !!
Untuk peringkat awal ni cuba bangun setengah jam atau 15 minit sebelum Azan Subuh .

Ambil wudhu' dan buat 2 rakaat solat Tahajjud pastu solat witir 1 rakaat .

Senang kan ?

Amal tiap-tiap hari sampai mampu istiqamah .
Kalau dah agak macam dah terbiasa dan istiqamah tu cubalah bangun pukul 4 pagi pulak .

Banyakkan pulak solat-solat sunat yang lain .
Solat sunat hajat , solat sunat taubat , solat sunat tasbih dan lain-lain .

Kalau tak mampu jugak sebab penat dengan urusan sekolah atau kerja , qiyamul-lail lah seminggu sekali , time-time weekend tu . Tak susah kan ?

Allah dah bagi banyak nikmat kat kita .
Takkan lah nak bangun tahajjud dua rakaat untuk bersyukur kepada Allah pun tak boleh ?

Allah descends down .
But why can't we get up to meet Him?

Cuba bayangkan , ada Sultan datang ke rumah kita pada setiap waktu malam .
Offer cheque berharga 1 juta . 

Tapi kita tidur krroh krohh kat dalam rumah .
Ini boleh mendatangkan MARAH ! tak gitu ?

Tu baru sultan .

Ini Allah ! The King of All King !
Penguasa Langit dan Bumi .

Turun ke langit bumi .
Mahu memakbulkan doa hamba-hambanya .
Mahu memberi keampunan and rahmatNya kepada kita .

bukan sekadar cheque satu juta tapi kebaikan dunia akhirat beb !!

Tapi apa kita buat ?

Fikir-fikirkanlah .

kalau nak tahu banyak lagi pasal tahajjud boleh klik

Sini .. Sini .. dan Sini .

Jom kita hidupkan kembali sunnah ni okay ?
InshaAllah .

It has been a long post so i guess 

i'll stop here

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Tu hablas español?

Assalamualaikum everyone !!

OMG titew eksaited gile mase menaip post ni sebab titew baru dapat idea nak naip apa setelah sekian lame titew kering idea

macam ni haaa titew eksaited

Okay mohon bersabar dengan kegilaan ini .

InshaAllah aku akan cuba untuk tidak meminum kopi sebelum menaip mana-mana post di belog ni pada masa akan datang bagi mengelakkan rasa ketidakselesaan para pembaca *tunduk tanda hormat*

Back to the main topic then !

Tu hablas español ?

reaksi pembaca

Haaa rare tak tajuk post aku ? Tak ? Okay .

Sebelum aku berceloteh dengan lebih lanjut , mai nak habaq kat hampa semua ..

Tu hablas español maksudnya do you speak spanish ?

ada paham ? bagus bagus .

Rasa seronok kan bila dapat faham banyak bahasa ? Especially kalau kita merantau jauh ke negara orang . Bila dah faham bahasa native dekat sesuatu tempat tu senanglah kita nak berkomunikasi . Tak lah senang kena tipu . 

Tak payah pergi jauh . Ambil contoh kat negara kita .

Ada melayu ada cina ada india .

Semua dengan bahasanya yang tersendiri . Unique gitu .

Tapi berapa ramai orang melayu yang boleh cakap bahasa cina and bahasa tamil ?

Boleh kira dengan jari beb .

hah kira lekaih !!

Tapi orang cina and orang india ramai yang boleh master at least tiga bahasa

bahasa melayu , bahasa cina/bahasa tamil , english .

Kita ?

English pun masih merangkak ala biawak .
Okay tersentap dengan ayat sendiri .

Memang lah ni semua 'duniawi' tapi hidup kena ada improvement beb !

Aku seronok+bangga+jeles tengok kawan-kawan aku ada yang pi attend kelas bahasa sementara menunggu result SPM . Ada sense untuk improve-kan diri !

thumbs up sikit !

Tapi itulah . Yuran kursus bahasa ni biasanya agak mahal sikit . So orang-orang yang macam aku ni setakat tengok dari luar bangunan je lah *ayat sedih*

But no worries ! Kita belajar online !! *kembali hyper*

Ni nak share sikit .. kalau ada sesiapa yang teringin bebenor nak belajar bahasa Spanish , French , German , Italian atau Portuguese bolehlah klik gambar di bawah .

Bukan belajar kat google translate ye~

*dijamin halal*

sign up and learn a new language now ! *ayat promo*
haaa jangan lupa add aku (AthirahTheSLP) dengan kawan aku (AliaSyahira) *ayatcaridownline*

atau kepada akak-akak yang kipas susah mati kat abang-abang korea tu dan teringin bebenor nak belajar bahasa korea bolehlah klik di bawah ni

Tapi seelok-eloknya kita improve-kan dulu skill kita dalam bahasa Inggeris . Sebab bahasa Inggeris ni sangatlah penting especially time interview scholarship , interview kerja or time belajar kat universiti nanti . Semua dalam bahasa inggeris okay

so utamakan yang lebih utama 

Lepas ni jangan pulak dok sibuk kecek bahasa asing sampai bahasa melayu dilupakan .

Macam mana pun bahasa Melayu tu bahasa ibunda kita .

Identiti kita . Kena jaga .

Kalau bukan kita yang bangga dengan bahasa melayu , siapa lagi ?

Tak gitu ? 

dan belajar tu belajar jugak . Jangan sampai lagho . Niat biar betul .
Kalau dah bunyi azan tu pergi solat dulu okay ?

And aku ada terdengar orang cakap , kalau kita belajar bahasa arab ni dapat pahala sebab ianya bahasa al-quran . Wallahuaklam .

Teringin jugak nak belajar bahasa arab ni tapi tak tahu kat mana and bagaimana .
So kalau ada sesiapa yang reti bahasa arab or tahu nak belajar bahasa arab kat mana (online) bolehlah komen kat bawah ni .

janganlah kedekut

Sharing is caring . Tak gitu ?

Majulah sukan untuk negara ! *tetiba*

Jumpa lagi InshaAllah .

Assalamualaikum ! adíos .

Saturday 22 February 2014

Segmen & Giveaway by Ikhwan Yusuff

Bismillah .

Assalamualaikum everyone ? So how's your weekend ? Awesome ? No ? Okay whatever .

My weekend ? Splendid ! Alhamdulillah :D

I started my morning with a 1.7 km of morning walk around the neighborhood with my sis .
Haaa Nak Sihat Generasi Aktif Hebat Sangat ~

Well actually , hasrat nak ber-morning walk ni selalu macam terkubur begitu saja bila weekend menjelang . Kadang-kadang tu hujan time pagi , kadang kena rush balik penang jenguk tok tapi mostly sebab kemalasan menguasai diri .

Balik rumah tolong mak gembur tanah tepi rumah . Feeling-feeling macam pegawai pertanian daerah jugak la masa buat tu last-last sekali hancuq kunyit yang mak kebumi dalam tanah .

Sorry Mak , I Love You .

hmmm tapi awat rasa macam ada yang tak kena ja masa tulis post ni .. macam tak sedap hati ..


*baru ternampak tajuk post*
Okay back to the main topic then ..


actually dapat tahu pasal segment ni from alia's blog and mulalah membuak-buak keinginan nak join !

and yeah this is my first time joining such giveaway segment because you know kadang tu 'syarat-syarat penyertaan' macam susah semacam . Memandang aku ni bukan seorang yang mampu mengikut syarat-syarat yang renyah dan ditambah pula dengan connection error yang acapkali berlaku , aku memang endahkan saja segment seumpama ni .

so kenapa aku join kali ni punya segmen giveaway ?

sebab brother ikhwan punya segment senang ja nak join ! Tak banyak syarat kelayakan yang rumit and sangatlah sesuai buat blogger yang 'berat tulang' seperti aku . So tunggu apa lagi ? Kliklah banner tu !

yang ringan tulang pun boleh klik ~

and so inilah 'Picture Quote' yang aku hasilkan untuk segmen ni .

oyeah that's all i'm exhausted 
see you later inshaAllah

Thursday 20 February 2014

The Arrogance Within Us

In The Name of Allah The Most Merciful And Most Compassionate 

i feel the urge to write and share about this topic because i can feel that most of us including myself often forget about the existence of pride and arrogance within us , deep in our heart .

here's a video from Youtube that i would like to share with all of you and hopefully you get to know what Arrogance really is after watching it . InshaAllah .

Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him] stated that the one who has a mustard-seed of arrogance in their heart will not enter the Jannah . 

Nauzubillahiminzalik !

And do you know how big is a mustard seed ? 

it is this big !
MashaAllah ! That much of arrogance in your heart and Jannah is not open for you !!
Astagfirullah . May Allah protect our hearts from pride and arrogance .

We look down upon others , feeling superior .
Shaytan makes you feel that you are better than most of the people is .
But the fact is , it is your heart that is corrupting slowly due to pride and arrogance .

We look down upon others more than we reflect upon ourselves .
We busy judging others but we forget to judge our hearts .

May Allah protect us . May Allah forgive us .

However , we as muslims , should never give up with Allah's mercy .
Be grateful to Allah for Allah has shown us this reminder to us .
Alhamdulillah .

And so , let us try our best to improve ourselves and get rid of pride and arrogance from our hearts 
InshaAllah .

May Allah makes us the inhabitant of His Jannah . Allahumma Amin .

And see you again next time Insha Allah .
Adíos .

Tuesday 18 February 2014

What did you do about it ?

Bismillah . In the name of Allah .

Last night , I came across another awesome Islamic reminder on Youtube .
And MashaAllah it struck me straight away .
It makes me ponder back . 
and ask myself …

What Did I Do About It ?

you must be wondering .. ' what did you do about what , athirah ? '
so i let you watch it for yourself insyaAllah .

Sometimes we preach without practice .
We didn't walk the talk .

We 'Retweet' all sorts of Islamic and motivational tweets on twitter but do we really think about it and put the reminders and advice into our own practice ? If We have some useful knowledge , do we keep it to ourselves or we actually take the effort to deliver it to our friends or even the society ? And when we came across a reminder or advice on the timeline or other places , do we actually stop to read and think or we just keep scrolling down for more interesting love quotes and 'jokes of the day' ?

dare to ask yourself that questions ?

And please don't get me wrong . I'm not saying that you should stop retweeting Islamic tweets or 'it is forbidden' to retweet fun-and-interesting-non-islamic-tweets .

Of Course NO !

I myself tweet randomly . Because i'm a human and i'm obviously imperfect .

My point here is , we should try our best to practice what we preached . Don't stop tweeting good advice on twitter or posting useful knowledge (either a knowledge about Islam or just a general knowledge ) on Facebook  or Blogs because it might be useful for us and for others . But just do yourself another favour by practicing it . 

Because action speaks louder than words . I'll give you an example , you advice people to clip their nails at least once a week for hygiene purpose but you yourself let your nails grow to 5 feet long !!!

you deserve a face slap

See my point there ? Yes ? Alhamdulillah .

And personally , i think there's nothing wrong if we tweet funny tweets because sometimes it's good to cheer up other people and ourselves , right ? But remember , everything has their own limit . 

May Allah gives us useful knowledge and helps us to imply act on it .
Allahumma Amin .

and please , do advice me if i forget about my words here . 
Assalamualaikum :)

adíos . 

Monday 17 February 2014

He Came Back .

I woke up early this morning like always but i don't know why am I so excited today .
Feeling excited and motivated for no reason .

But i feel good taanananana *ntv7 theme song*
Weirdo .

And suddenly i heard someone was calling my mom from the front gate .
I peeped through the window .

'Oh orang astro nak buat promotion lah tu'
I monologued .

And indeed I was right . He was promoting something about you know 'pakej pemasangan channel apa tah' and bla bla bla i don't care because there's other thing that bothers me .

I knew this guy . But is it him ? It's him ?
But .. he .. but .. no ..

"rumah saya dekat situ ja (pointing his finger to some houses nearby)"
 i heard him say that to my mother and without any doubt … i knew it's him !

*sekadar gambar hiasan*

Tan . His name is Tan . I can't remember his full name but I still remember calling him Tan .
And yes he is a chinese boy .

want to know how i met this guy ?

Dulu kami naik van yang sama since rumah pun dekat ja . Masa form 2 maybe .
Can't remember well .

Memandangkan aku dulu 'taiko-besaq-dalam-van-nak-habaq-kat-hampa' so dengan peramahnya tanya dia nama apa .

He looked at me then he looked away .
and i was like ...

Berani kau !!!

nasib baik makcik van kata Tan ni sebenarnya tak berapa faham bahasa Melayu .
Dulu Tan tinggal dengan nenek dia and 24hours cakap mandarin .
And so dia cuma faham basic BM .

Aku pantang orang camni memang alamatnya kena nyakat dengan aku la .
But i'm not that gedik or gatai merla . I just love to be playful and crazy .

and so aku dengan gigihnya nak buat dia cakap melayu .
Every single day time balik sekolah aku akan suruh dia cakap melayu .
Aku cakap dengan dia eventho he never replied dengan harapan dapat improve bm mamat nih .
akulah sang pejuang bahasa tanah air ~

Bukan aku seorang , in fact semua orang dalam van suka kacau Tan .
Lagi-lagi kakak-kakak senior .

haha tak la . The truth is semua orang senang dengan Tan and suka ngusik dia .

Satu hari masa van nak pi ambik dia time balik sekolah aku nampak dia bukan main lagi sembang POM PANG POM PANG dengan kawan-kawan dia . Tapi bila dia nampak van and makhluk-makhluk riang kat dalam van tu dia terus buat-buat senyap and buat muka sekupang dia atas van .

and we were like ..

apa masalah kau 

Oh so you wanna play games ? Bring it on man ! Semua orang cakap dengan kau , kau buat muka Mr. Arrogant . Kau cakap Melayu dengan makcik van okay je aku tengok . Tapi dengan kami semua kau buat-buat macam tak faham .

And so aku beletiaq and 'give him a stare' dalam van dengan muka bengis . He knew that i was staring him and so he didn't dare to turn his head around . Dia duduk diam ja . Tak berani bergerak pun . Cuma tengok luar tingkap ja . Kesianlah pulak and so 

And you know what … after i gave up on my stare . He turned his head and stares back !
Aku tak perasan sampailah aku tengok Azween dok gelak . I turned to Tan and caught him staring back !

And the moment i looked at him , he looked away ! Damn it .

Hahaha lawak pulak teringat time tu . Rupanya si Tan tu jenis yang playful jugak . Tapi dia macam tu je lah , tak cakap apa sangat pun dengan kami tapi makin lama dia ada bagi response la jugak . Not with words of course but with his smiles . Dia senyum ja kalau cakap apa-apa kat dia . Aku buli suruh dia bukak pintu van kat aku dia tolong bukak .  Orang tarik beg dia peluk beg kuat-kuat . And dah jadi rutin harian para penghuni van untuk mengusik Tan . 

But one day , Tan tak naik van . 

Makcik kata dia dah tak sekolah kat situ . And from that day onward , tak nampak pun bayang dia kat rumah tu . Cuma nampak mak dia and adik-adik dia ja . 

Everyone on the van felt extremely sad at that time . Aku ? Biasa ja . 
hahaha tahan macho .

I never thought that i would see him again until he showed up this morning .
Handsome than before hahaha and guess what ?

Tan sangat fasih berbahasa Melayu .

But please , don't expect me to go and say hi to him . 
Just let Tan stays in my past memories .
As my van buddy .
and that's it .

But i'm glad . Because he …

He Came Back :)

Sunday 16 February 2014

The Struggle Of Being An Introvert

Maybe that was too dramatic for a title but yeah whatever .

It all started when i've heard some people labeling other people as an 'introvert' or 'extrovert' . Seriously , i don't even know what does 'introvert' means . I thought that it must be something related to the word 'pervert' or 'convert' or 'advert' but clearly i was wrong ! So thanks to Mr Google and my extreme sense of curiosity , i finally knew what it really means !

my feeling at that time

and i finally knew that i'm an introvert myself .

well clearly i didn't expect that

Knowing whether you are an introvert or extrovert or ambivert will surely helps you to understand yourself better .

Before , i felt so useless . Abnormal . Freak . Anti-social . Woe .

Having a family of extroverts literally make things worse . I can't figure out what is wrong with me and why am i being so different from others .

-I hate small talk .

-I monologue most of the time .

-I really enjoy being alone in my room reading a book or surfing the internet or just lay there listening to music .

-I prefer being quiet . Listens attentively to others without giving any response . Just sit there .

-Watch and Listen .

-Having a deep thought on something is absolutely my cup of tea .

-hate being at crowded places . It makes my head ache . Dizziness overload .

-I love to eat *not related*

-I don't like people to disturb me when i'm trying to relax myself and be alone .
and i super hate that .

-easily offended with insult from others

-prefer to do things on my own and once again .. do things alone .

-But I love spending time with my friends and my family .

-I love having phone calls with my friends but i must be the one who calls them .

and yeah after i knew that i'm an introvert , everything makes sense now .
i'm no longer feeling abnormal but i've started to understand myself even more.

and i ..
deal with my introversion like a boss

I'm glad being different from others and thankful that i'm not the only introvert ever exist in this massive universe !!

And the only struggle of being an introvert is the struggle to love and accept yourself just the way it is .

Learn to tolerate with others and everything should be fine InshaAllah :)

p/s : introversion does not occur all the time . I sometimes love to be crazy and loud but at other time when introversion overload , you'll just have to leave me alone . Got it ?


Thursday 13 February 2014


Bismillah . In the name of Allah .

It has been a while since the last time i've posted something on this blog .
Ran out of ideas ? Yeah obviously .
I can't even figure out a suitable title for this post ! *cries*


There's too much things playing in my mind lately (kinda)
Monologues flow almost continuously on my mind but i just can't let the words out .
Maybe words aren't my thing after all *sigh*

So did i gave up on this blog ?
Maybe yeah maybe no .
i'll leave it just the way it is here until there's something i have in mind to share to you guys .
*IF i have one*

And well if you guys have anything to ask me about (advice , life , or some random thingy ) just tweet me at @athirahmonsta or just leave your comments here so that i'll have at least some ideas on what to write next .

or you can follow some awesome channels on Youtube for some cool Islamic Reminders and short lectures at

+The Daily Reminder
+SoldierOfAllah2 .

see you next time inshaAllah !
assalamualaikum ! :D